Handouts and Flyers

Download and print these PDF files for handing out at meetings, events, and more. Scroll to the bottom of the page to get the handouts.

Improved M4A

Basic facts about Improved Medicare for All

Pagador Unico, Listo para Instalarse

Hechos esenciales sobre Medicare para Todos

Single-Payer FAQ's

Answers to common questions about single-payer health care and HR 676

Single Payer vs. ACA

A side-by-side comparison

Beyond Obamacare

Why the fight isn't over, and where we go from here

The Illinois Universal Health Care Act

A fact sheet on the state's single-payer bill

Health Disparities

How single-payer provides a base for addressing health disparities.

Health Care Is a Human Right

Half-page flyer, good for any event

Human Right - Spanish and English

Health Care for Immigrants, Spanish and English versions on one page

After You've Seen The Healthcare Movie

Handout for screenings of the movie

Supporter Signup Form

For collecting contact info on new SP supporters

Human Right + Volunteer Opps

Half-page, double-sided for summer 2015

Moving Forward from Healthy Chicago 2.0

Defeat Rahm's Policies, Enact Single-Payer

Single-Payer and Long-Term Care

Improved Medicare for All must include long-term care.

Medicaid Managed Care

Myths and Facts about Medicaid Managed Care

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